Craig County Public Library

Is This the Time to Get Your GED?

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Did you or someone you know miss out on a high school diploma? Has this affected your job opportunities? Maybe now is a good time to change that. Invest this down time to be better prepared to get back into the job market. Securing a GED (General Educational Development) is work that will pay off. It is equivalent to that high school diploma you didn’t get.
You can register for free classes at Craig County Public Schools. Currently classes are meeting on Monday and Thursday nights from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. via Zoom, virtual computer meetings. Contact Cynthia Swiney at 540-864-5185. You can leave your name and phone number or email her at and she will help you get registered or answer questions you may have about achieving your GED goal.
The test is given online. It is made up of four parts: Math, Social Studies, Science, and Language Arts. You take them one at a time. If you do not pass, you can retake each section as needed. The full test is $120 or $30 for each part.
On average, people study three months in advance to improve their chances of earning their GED. Three months is a small investment for a diploma that will impact your future potential. There are resources to help you reach this goal.
Study material is available, study guides and practice tests. You can check out the 2021 study guide and practice tests at the Craig County Public Library. There are online classes available, some for fees and others free. Look into for free resources or contact Cynthia Swiney or the regional GED site in Roanoke (540) 767-6161 for more information.
Your library can give you computer access to explore options, participate in Zoom Meetings, or check out a Hot Spot for WIFI access at home.
The benefits of having a GED are huge. Holding a GED means that you increase your earning potential or further your education for career growth. It also means that employers will no longer pass you over as a job candidate just because you did not graduate from high school.
The majority of the people who did not graduate from high school do not lack intelligence. They simply encountered difficulties in high school. Now is the time that you get the second chance you deserve. You can do this.
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